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      Your location:Home > About Us > Design strength
      Design strength

      In the Hong Cheng converter company, the design department is the most dynamic of a team, we focus on a number of innovative temperament of the talents, both from the early design of the technical program, or to the manufacturing process, as well as after-sales service All contain the product, the service innovation and experience.
      The best way to predict the future is to create the future!

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      Address:Floor 1, Zone 5, South Yard, Weikong Electromechanical Industrial Park, 123 Huaguang Road, Gaokai District, Baoding City, Hebei Province

      Fax:+86-0312-5096310    Email:hc@hong-cheng.cn

      Hotline:+86-0312-3917333    Technical Support:+86-0312-3917233

      Copyright ? Hongcheng Converter Manufacturing Co.,Ltd

      Hebei ICP prepared 11024928    


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